Can all companies use the Trade Club website?

No, The Trade Club is a dedicated service for our customers and is by invitation only.
If you are a customer and have not yet received an invitation, please contact your relationship manager. A company can request to enrol via the online form as well, a validation process based on enrolment criteria will be conducted in order to grant eventual membership.

Why should I use my personal page? Is it possible to change or modify a profile?

Your personal page allows you to modify your personal information.

You can easily modify your profile. The company identification and company details will allow other Club companies to identify potential business opportunities and allow the platform to perform as efficiently as possible in terms of matchmaking.

Why must companies log in in order to access the website's services?

We ask companies to be identified with their account in order to properly manage their information and eliminate inappropriate usage of the website.

If there is a problem, who can I contact?

If you encounter a problem with website access, available content, or more, you can send us your feedback, questions, and suggestions via the contact form. We will get back to you shortly.

How can I provide feedback or inform you of my expectations, needs, etc.?

It's simple. Thanks to our contact form, you can easily ask your questions. A reply will be sent to you as quickly as possible.

I am an individual not linked to a certain company. Can I still use the website?

No, the Trade Club is dedicated to companies that want to start or strengthen their activities overseas.

How can I obtain a password?

The password is set directly upon completion of the registration form. This allows you to access the Trade Club.

What does Trade Club aim to accomplish?

The Trade Club supports companies in their overseas expansion efforts or the strengthening of their foreign trade activities. The website provides a wide range of services and solutions to help companies develop on a global level, such as matchmaking suggestions to find potential counterparts.

I forgot my password. How can I recover it?

Simply click on "Reset your password" and enter the e-mail address used during your account registration. You will automatically receive an e-mail with your username and the process to reset your password.

What is my business card?

The first step to successfully engaging in the Club is to create and complete your business card.

Providing all required information increase your chances to find relevant counterparts and engage in opportunities. Ensure that you provide a link to your company website, your logo and a concise description of your activities and business interests. Include all relevant product codes which describe the best possible way the products you wish to buy or sell.

You can see on your profile the percentage of completion your business card has reached.

What are Business opportunities?

You will receive regularly business opportunities suggested by our Community Manager. Choose to engage a conversation or discard them if they are not interesting for you. You can also add them to your contact book.

You also have the option to ask our Community Manager for specific and customized Matchmaking.